Sunday, 24 November 2013

Sandyford Clover SUPERCOW 2013

They have done it again.
My super brother and his family have officially bred reared and nurtured the best dairy cow in the whole of the UK winning the highest accolade of SUPERCOW 2013 at the UK's biggest farming event of the year, Agriscot

Well done the Tomo's!
We are so proud of them and our dad Eric would have been bursting with pride.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Logs and Legolas

Trying out James Martins' Yule log minus the chocolate coating. Never made a cake from just eggs and flour before. It has of course cracked in the rolling but tastes good nonetheless.

And middle daughter has gone to a fancy dress party with the theme of a character from a film. She has made the costume entirely from the contents of the dressing up box. Hair her own....