Sunday 25 March 2012

Stations of the Cross... First Station....

This morning the sermon at our church  was about the stations of the cross.
There are fourteen stations and fourteen days left till Easter so our priest urged us to consider one station every day. I think it is a good idea so will try to do it here.

The first station, Jesus is condemned to death...

Already humiliated, ridiculed, flogged and crowned with thorns, Jesus receives the news he is now to be put to death. No one speaks up for him, no one defends him, no one objects. He has devoted his life to caring for others but now he is ignored. He accepts his fate with quiet calm, without resistance.

How do I react when in a situation that I feel is unfair to me? I object, I complain, I vociferously declare my innocence, I may even try and lay the blame at the feet of others.

As I consider the first station of the cross, I am humbled by Christ's quiet acceptance of the fate he cannot change. I hope that guided by his example I find the grace to accept the things I cannot change in my life and the strength to bear those that I will find a challenge.

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