...at Cheshire County Show.
The sun was blazing and there was so much to see.
Here is my 9 year old niece who won 1st prize for best young handler of a calf.
I particularly loved all the different breeds of cattle, some are really beautiful. This Hereford bull was huge...
and this shorthorn bull was a lovely dappled colour..
These Dexter cattle have very short legs and resemble dwarves..
My brother won Ayrshire breed champion with Sandyford Clover but I didn't get a pic so read
this link if you want to know more
Here's a large billy goat giving us the eye..
and we managed to spot the Queen bee in this brood chamber..
There was a stunning array of vintage vehicles. I loved this ambulance..
complete with leather interior.
Whilst the boys preferred the tractors..
The country crafts were fabulous. This willow basket maker had learned from his dad before him, they weren't on the internet but managed to make a living..
Areas of forest unaccessible to vehicles are still worked by heavy horses. The relationship between this horse and his master were amazing. He was so obedient..
Handicrafts there were aplenty but I didn't take photos. The children didn't want to linger. One stall with lovely pinnies and pegbags was
Madame Sew N Sew. Well worth a look. I was spent up by this stage so had to be content with browsing.
It was a great day out and last night when watering my garden I spotted this cheeky little chappie helping himself to my bird feeder...
Forgotten this one when I posted earlier...
Showing cattle (and the partying that goes with it) is pretty exhausting work. I don't know who he is but he was sparked out completely next to his cow!